Google Scares its Friends

As stated in Yang Gu’s blog, Google may have marginalized itself from its partners by acquiring Motorola. The intention of this acquisition was to build its patent library and protect itself from legal action. Instead, it has prompted partners such as Samsung and HTC to seek software other than Google’s Android operating system for their mobile devices.

This acquisition was seen as a threat to companies who use Google’s Android operating system on their phones. Days following Google’s purchase, Samsung signed a deal with Microsoft to “diversify what operating systems its phones run”. HTC is also searching to buy a new operating system for its phones. Hence, Google’s partners are now afraid that it will follow Apple’s framework of vertical integration of its software and now Motorola’s hardware divisions. This would leave companies such as Samsung and HTC without an operating system for their phones.

Furthermore, some market analysts have now downgraded Google stock to from “buy” to “hold”, stating this acquisition will “distract senior executives”. This acquisition of Motorola has not only encouraged competition, as stated by Yang Gu, but also, blurred Google’s outlook.

Google shares slip after Stifel downgrade

HTC Considers Buying Mobile Operating System

The real message in tweets

Digital verbosity What’s in a tweet

The information from a tweet is not limited to the 140 characters for each message; instead, the vast amount of information is hidden in the tweets metadata. The map published by Raffi Krikorian, displays the array of information available to companies just from one tweet. The metadata includes characteristics such as location of user, user biography, user activities on Twitter, and much more. Twitter streaming is a new technology for companies to collect data for their marketers.

Similar to many other technologies that withhold user information, the concern for privacy is raised. Twitter has made it very clear that it owns the rights to the personally identifiable information users provide, and can sell it to third parties. Twitter displays no advertisements on their webpage; instead, it generates revenue from selling the information in the metadata of tweets to companies. By using twitter you are not just tweeting but are also providing raw consumer data to companies.

iPhone 4S: The Revolution for Apple

With new iPhone, Apple Inc. also unveils a new version of itself

With today’s release of the iPhone 4S, the public face of the Apple brand has been replaced. The departure of Steve Jobs prompted Tim Cook to take control of the company. Much of Apple’s magical aura was grounded by Steve Jobs and his enchanting product unveilings. With the departure of Steve Jobs this magical point of difference has disappeared. Now it is up to new CEO Tim Cook to mesmerize the audience and also become the new face of Apple.

The unveiling of the new iPhone 4S is less revolutionary of the product and more to do with the Apple Brand. This is the first opportunity for new CEO Tim Cook to make an impression and establish himself as the new face of Apple. Mr. Cook “will almost certainly be a hit” because he is introducing a very anticipated product that will be a success regardless of his presentation. Therefore, only the future will tell us how Apple will continue to grow and if Tim Cook can fill Steve Jobs shoes.