Monthly Archives for November 2012

What Reddit Could Be Worth

In the last 7 years, Reddit, the giant bulletin board made up of 185,000 + forums on everything ranging from news, photos, arguments to jokes, has taken a large leap. From being a site started by two freshmen students from … Continue reading

17. November 2012 by Jasmine Chan
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Re: BTM In Practice – Mobile Credit Cards In Action

This is a post in reply to Andrea Banzon’s blog post on the concept of mobile credit cards. Allowing smart phones to substitute a wallet could be the new and upcoming form of business technology management. Mobile credit cards is … Continue reading

12. November 2012 by Jasmine Chan
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The worst is over for Europe – so we hope

For the last 3 years, the 17 countries in Europe who use the Euro have been battling a financial crisis. There have been signs in the market that show that the crisis has now climaxed; the worst may be over … Continue reading

10. November 2012 by Jasmine Chan
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An entreneurship bubble that is bigger than ever?

After our lecture on entreneurship, I wanted to search up any news on the topic. What exactly is happening for entrepreneurs around the world? I found a Forbe’s article, “Are We on the Verge of the Greatest Entrepreneurship Bubble?” and … Continue reading

10. November 2012 by Jasmine Chan
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