An entreneurship bubble that is bigger than ever?

After our lecture on entreneurship, I wanted to search up any news on the topic. What exactly is happening for entrepreneurs around the world?

I found a Forbe’s article, “Are We on the Verge of the Greatest Entrepreneurship Bubble?” and want to elaborate on my findings. Recently reelected president Barack Obama signed a new act, the Jobs (Jumpstart Our Business Startup) Act, to encourage funding of small businesses in the form of crowdfunding. Because many aspiring entrepreneurs lack the initial start up capital and are often deterred by negative investment climate, projects are never fully taken to its full potential. The new Jobs Act will help catalyse the growth of new businesses through a different form of investing.

Crowdfunding is the collective effort of different individuals to pool together funds and resources to support other people’s initiatives and organizations. A benefit of crowdfunding is that it brings in investors of different types – ones who are concerned with making profits and ones who invest for innovation and change.

This is just the beginning of a major project. It will be interesting to see how this act will affect the US economy and the world economy overall, especially in the small business sector.


10. November 2012 by Jasmine Chan
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