
Hi everyone! My name is Jasmine Parent. I live in Montreal, Quebec. I am a Learning Technology Consultant/Instructional Designer at Teaching and Learning Services at McGill University. I work closely with instructors to support their use of the teaching and learning technologies we provide and support at McGill. Oddly, my first passion was (and still is to some degree) food and nutrition. I have a Masters of Science in Global and Community Nutrition which is always an interesting conversation point when sharing how I got here academically and professionally. I began working at TLS when I started assisting in the design of nutrition and exercise science MOOCs that McGill offered on EdX in 2015. Thus began my Ed Tech journey.

I am originally from a small rural town on the Gaspesie Peninsula in Eastern Quebec on the Baie des Chaleurs. I love living in the city but am a small-town girl at heart. In my life outside of work and university, I love to cook (and eat), practice yoga, spend time outside (hiking, running, relaxing) and spend time with loved ones.

This is my 6th MET course and my last Core Course (Weehoo!). I look forward to connecting and getting to know everyone through their blogs!