Jasmine Wing: Introduction

My name is Jasmine Wing, and as like a lot of us, I am a second year Sauder student. I am taking Marketing as it is a prerequisite as well I have always wanted to learn more about Marketing and not just about sales, which is what first comes to my mind. As a student, my only experiences in Marketing have been in highschool and first year university  trying to promote events and create posters or certain poster campaigns to encourage students to go to events. Other than that, I do not have any other marketing experience. One of my favourite ads right now would have to be the McDonald’s christmas ad where the couple move into their new house. I love that song- Big Black Car. I don’t like McDonald’s whatsoever but that commercial somehow swayed me. Something interesting about me is that I love to travel and meet people from around the world! Sometimes the world feels so small and it is refreshing to see what else is out there!



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