Creative and unique advertising is a key in order to stand out and capture the interest of potential consumers. Today, there are so many different ads on the TV, internet and print media that create enormous amounts of noise, and as most of them are very expensive it is important to utilize that investment in the most efficient way. I came acorss these ads that are not your typical advertisements and serve as an ideal example of how it should be done.

1. Thinking about buying a new watch? Why not just try them during your morning commute to work?This ad allows for easy observability and trialability of the product. Moreover, it simply is fun, and even for those who are not interested in purchasing a watch at this particular time, it allows for the increase of brand awarness by the positive word of mouth, as people are likely to talk about this innovative ad.

2.  Eesti post, an Estonian postal service created this ad to promote its new product that allows people to create their own stamp. It is effective primarily because the key is the customer involvement as they are the ones who have the power over the design of their stamp, and this ad further enforces that message. The picture of your every day surroundings can be your personalized stamp!

3.  “Look up. Look up again. ohh cool!”  would have been my reaction to this ad if I had seen it on the street as its nothing like I have seen before. It captures an immediate attention and creates interest, potentially desire as well. Also, it increases association of sharp knives with this particular knife-making company.

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