Jason Collis' Internet Marketing Blog

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Power of Social Media

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I was just checking out Twitter and I saw about 5 different people that I follow talk about “lean start-ups”.  There are lots of new concepts out there, and while doing my MBA, I have been exposed to countless ideas about how to do business.  I have to sort my way through the ideas and pick the best ones to invest my time in.  There is a lot of noise out there as Seth Godin recently blogged about.  I saw this concept a while ago but didn’t pay much attention because I thought that it was just another buzz word and seemed a little bit gimmicky.  However, I have recently been bombarded with messages about this concept from people that I respect.  Their opinion carries some weight with me.  Based on this I decided to look into this technique a little further and if I like the ideas I will try to use them.  This is the power of social media.  The new generations are much more selective with what they pay attention to and marketers and entrepreneurs need to understand how they make these decisions so that they can cut through the noise and have their message heard.

Jason Collis

Written by Jason Collis

November 30th, 2010 at 12:09 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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