Luck Is Everything?


According to the article, “What’s Luck Got to Do With It”, on New York Times, 10Xers are entrepreneurs who built small enterprises into companies that outperformed their industries by a factor of 10. The question posed by the article is whether luck was what made the 10Xers so successful. The article gave few examples where either positive luck or negative luck was occurring for the 10Xers, and how they used it to to their advantage. The examples were of Bill Gates and Microsoft; Peter Lewis and Progressive; and Lamar Muse and Southwest Airlines. This article made me realize that luck, whether good or bad, is actually not what makes a person successful, but it is his work habit, determination, and execution that sets him apart. Luck is everywhere; luck is part of everyone’s lives. It’s just the fact of how someone uses his environment around him wisely and to his full advantage that will make him a successful person. Good luck will follow hard work, and good things can come out of bad luck. “Be ready when opportunity comes…Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet.”- Roy D. Chapin Jr.


Source: New York Times

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