ARC and Social Enterprises: society’s necessities

There is a growing worldwide effort for improving humanity and becoming an interdependent global community. The United Nations (UN), initiatives such as The Arc Initiative and social enterprises are fundamentally changing the way we understand aid and how we make a difference on a global scale. These various organizations and efforts work collaboratively to improve our world. Theoretically, even if the United Nations was fully funded, efforts such as The Arc Initiative and social enterprises would be necessary nonetheless. Global change is effected by a variety of organizations. The United Nations represents a governing body which determines development goals and methods by which to achieve those goals for the global community. Furthermore, they act as a organization of neutrality and impartiality. In conjunction to the United Nations’ engagements, they rely on projects and social enterprises to produce the desired change from a level of smaller scale.

For example, one of the UN millennium development goals is eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. At a global policy level, the UN is effective in raising global awareness and to incite action on this goal. However, the progress towards this goal is made by projects such as The Arc Initiative and social enterprises. After reading this article, I was thoroughly convinced that the most direct way to effect change is through programs which allow entrepreneurs to advance their business by applying business strategies and tools. From another perspective, social enterprises are effective in creating this change since they balance making a profit and reinvesting the capital into making a better society. Social enterprises are in essence are fostering social stewardship while also maintaining a sustainable business.

Sources Referenced:

Article taken from here

Images taken from here and here

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