Do firms support daddy duties?

Every firm or company requires some form of organization management. It is essential for the firm to have a system by which the employees adhere to in order work cohesively. Human resources management guides and develops a company specific model for the organization of employees. I recently came across this article which directly addresses the issue of how companies manage their male employees responsibility towards  their family and the social stigma which fatherly roles entail. The article exposes how many men are unable to take paid paternity leave because their company does not offer the option. Although there are government policies which allow men to take paternity leave,  many men are bound by the “pressure and unwritten expectations”(Miller) they are subject to within their companies.

Firms are rapidly realizing that conventional social stigmas are rapidly changing as society evolves at the fundamental level. It is becoming more commonplace for men to take paternity leave as there is an increasing number of households where women are the primary breadwinner. Without a distinctive company culture which is shared by all the employees, policy and suggestions are limited. For example, Miller observes that Ernst & Young encourages men to take paternity leave, however very few men take all the allotted time. From an alternate perspective, this shows that the company has the intention to support their employees. However, the employees are concerned with the consequences of taking the encouraged leave. Companies such as Ernst & Young are making progress in human resources through showing their support for their employees. At a more fundamental level, companies can better build employee relationship and loyalty through establishing a unified company culture.

Source referenced:

Miller, Claire. “Paternity Leave: The Rewards and the Remaining Stigma.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 7 Nov. 2014. Web. 8 Nov. 2014.

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