RIM, Dwindling With Time

by jasonsidhu ~ October 5th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Blackberry is dead due to its own inability to innovate and advance.

This post is based on the blog post by Cathy Lee titled “Blackberry Recovery or Rediscovery”. Lee’s argument is that Blackberry is losing its loyal consumer base to Apple and Android at an increasing rate. Lee believes Blackberry has one last shot at resurrecting the company with its future Blackberry 10 plan.

Blackberry is definitely losing a large amount of consumers because of its inability to deliver a product that meets a specific markets needs. Even corporate structures like medical device manufacturers have switched to iOS devices such as the Iphone because of the excellent apps available for them and their consumers.


Blackberry 10 seems like a dead end to me, it is utilizing technology and concepts that should of been available to consumers from Blackberry over a year ago. The constant release date delays for BB10 isn’t helping the company.

With a decreasing consumer base and an even smaller population of app developers, it is a grim ending for the once mighty and revered company. Research In Motion’s best chance at remaining alive is to license their assets, such as patents and possible future operating system designs like Blackberry 10.


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