Going Green, For Money

by jasonsidhu ~ October 8th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

“Big companies are discovering that going green does not just mean saving trees, but dollar bills, too.”

Consumers continuously search for green products to purchase on a daily basis. They attempt to fill their needs by enriching themselves with green alternatives instead of products that are not only costly to the environment but their wallet as well. “over 60 percent of consumers said that they prefer to purchase from environmentally responsible companies.”

Companies are attempting to fill this void. They do so by innovating and creating products that are appealing to consumers. Sun Chips, a company owned by Pepsi Co has invented a completely biodegradable bag that they are continually adjusting to appeal to consumers. Initially the bag was seen as “too noisy” but the company has listened and they are investing in efforts to decrease the noise and maintain the sustainability of the bag.

Sun Chips has “cut costs” by moving from a plastic bag that relies on expensive oil to one that is environmentally friendly and also relatively cheaper. Even Subaru has implemented this sustainable practice and saved valuable capital.

Just like a basic economic principle states, investing more in capital now means increased profit later on.

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