Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

British Petroleum Fined Largest Criminal Fine in US History

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

This post is a follow up on my post titled BP’s Enormous Oil Spill. British Petroleum has been fined 4.5 billion in criminal fines and penalties. This fine comes after a lengthy trial process, and this marks the resolution of only one of the many lawsuits filed against BP. For a company like BP, which […]

Suzuki Stepping Back From The United States Automobile Market

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

This post is based on Christian Legazpi’s blog about Suzuki stepping out of the US auto market. Legazpi agrees with Suzuki’s decision to step out of the US automotive industry based on recent performance. He says focusing on their key markets like ATVs will prove to be successful for Suzuki. Suzuki is the perfect example of […]

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

Many believe these two great names are excellent for initiating a debate between Windows and Macintosh. One must look past this naive debate to witness the true greatness of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Both created their illustrious lives through entrepreneurship and managed to create technology that has changed the face of the world. Nearly […]

Coca-Cola, Persistent Innovation

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

It is clear that Coca-Cola has been vastly successful since its founding in 1886. It’s no surprise that investment guru Warren Buffet has amassed an enormous fortune that was partly created by owning Coca-Cola stock. Interbrand rates Coca-Cola number one in terms of the best global brand. Here is a short video about why Warren […]

Can You Be a Social Entrepreneur

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

This post is based on Lara Galinsky’s blog on “Not Everyone Should Be a Social Entrepreneur.” Galinsky expresses that it isn’t possible for everyone that wants to create a change to become a social entrepreneur, it just isn’t viable. Unfortunately everyone will not be able to create a groundbreaking organization that socially changes an area […]

General Motors, Bailout to Present

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

In 2009 GM received bailouts from the US government that included 50 billion dollars of taxpayer money. Fortunately taxpayers have received about 24 billion dollars of that money back. Unfortunately the rest of the money that GM owes is currently invested in company shares which are taking an enormous hit. Since GM’s initial public offering […]

Going Green, For Money

Monday, October 8th, 2012

“Big companies are discovering that going green does not just mean saving trees, but dollar bills, too.” Consumers continuously search for green products to purchase on a daily basis. They attempt to fill their needs by enriching themselves with green alternatives instead of products that are not only costly to the environment but their wallet […]

RIM, Dwindling With Time

Friday, October 5th, 2012

Blackberry is dead due to its own inability to innovate and advance. This post is based on the blog post by Cathy Lee titled “Blackberry Recovery or Rediscovery”. Lee’s argument is that Blackberry is losing its loyal consumer base to Apple and Android at an increasing rate. Lee believes Blackberry has one last shot at […]

BMW, a Brand That Delivers Its Promise

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Elegance, style, and sheer power are a few thoughts that come to my mind when thinking of the legendary automaker known as BMW. Through consistent practices they have maintained an advanced level of quality that is delivered to their faithful customers. Customers receive excellent machines that are capable of withstanding the rigours of everyday driving and […]

BP’s Enormous Oil Spill

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

“Drilling for oil is risky and dangerous to be sure. However, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that more than bad luck was involved.” British Petroleum (BP) is an enormous multinational corporation that had a revenue of nearly US$400 billion in 2011. Don’t let the logo fool you, BP isn’t nearly as innocent as […]

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