Abercrombie’s a B****h

Oh Abercrombie, where to start? I could begin with their extremely strict dress code that has caused numerous employees to quit of feel ashamed of themselves for discarding religious symbols. Or perhaps I could continue on to the part were their CEO stated that their product is only met for “cool” and “attractive” people, and that it is not meant to be worn by “fat” people. But of course they already know that as they just experienced their seventh straight quarterly drop. In possibly related news, Abercrombie’s two main competitors – Aeropostale Inc. and American Eagle Outfitters – recently experienced share price falls of 5.9% and 3.5%, respectively. Hopefully, the death of snobby elitist brands is lurking right around the corner and this is just the tip of the iceberg. More importantly, this might bring about a rise in teen happiness as Abercrombie and the like are directly responsible for pushing the idea of what a perfect teen body looks like; the idea is that the average teen should be totally jacked as a male, or be a toothpick as a female. Hopefully, Abercrombie will continue to experience losses, as the world would be a better place without them.


Source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9utHwhYToNA/UZKVDYVOtrI/AAAAAAAAALA/1Fw75t6KcdE/s1600/75866148.jpg

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