AT&T Advert Sparks Social Media Outrage

The company AT&T has recently sparked outrage on various social media platforms recently after publishing an advert that could be viewed as insensitive to those effected by the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. Their advert depicts a hand holding up one of their smart phones capturing the image of the Tribute in Light.

AT&T Picture In Question

AT&T has since removed their image after they were called out as being “tacky”, “disgusting”, and “shameless.” All of which appear to be fitting titles. The company could only offer up a feeble apology stating they simply “meant to pay respect to those that were affected by the 9/11 tragedy.” Personally, if AT&T had really attempted to pay respect, they could have let their product ride back seat to the real respect that is due.

Although their actions can be classified as tasteless, this is part of the desensitized world that we live in. In spite of their poor taste, I believe that AT&T does not deserve the ramifications that will surely follow, much like how owner Marc Watts did not deserve the death threats and general social media backlash after offering subsidized rates at his gold course.

This event has led to the mass questioning of AT&T business ethics. Are they really willing to stoop so low as to throw up product placement on an occasion such as this?



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