Advertising Climbs Using Social Media As a Handle

Twitter is still growing in numbers of users and right now sits in excess of 19 million active members, generating billions of tweets per year allowing members to share experiences within a 140 character limit. Twitter has successfully created a symbiotic relationship that allows users to get involved in participatory events ranging from sports events to television programs. Organizations and celebrities alike are catching onto this and have begun to develop a social media presence to garner more publicity. Twitter is a live portrayal of how complements work and how they can act as ‘force multipliers’.

Take for example the Super Bowl, last year 24 million tweets were sent out about the competition, and nearly 45% of the commercials had some form of hashtag involved encouraging viewers to follow them on Twitter. Also, during the Breaking Bad finale a record setting 1.24 million tweets were created, topping out at 22,373 tweets per minute. Organizations such as the NFL may create tweets drawing attention to major plays, and letting people know that they can catch the game on their television network. Clearly, Twitter’s huge fan base coupled with the fact that there are roughly 1 billion smartphone users worldwide with access to the Twitter app and data is the ultimate form of a symbiotic relationship which is beneficial for advertisers, consumers, and Twitter.



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