Response to Can Greed Still Be Good?

This blog post highlights the pros of social enterprise and leans towards fact that it is mutually beneficial. Although I am inclined to agree that social enterprise and foreign direct investment are beneficial, there is a deep-seated negative aspect that must be taken into consideration. For example, Nigeria’s oil reserves fell prey to social enterprise and it is paying the price. Nigeria is the worlds eighth largest exporter for oil, yet the working class is barely above poverty levels. When investing in developing foreign countries, the country on the receiving end of the investment may be looking towards making a fast buck rather than looking into the long term. In this case, as long as other countries in Africa can learn from Nigeria’s mistake, then social enterprise can be deemed as mutually beneficial. On the flip side of the coin, it can lead to crippling disparity and all the money can end up in the hands of the top percentile. Despite the negative possibilities, I agree with Kirk on the fact that social enterprise can do a lot of good, and it is a proposition that can bring countries out of poverty.



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