Black Friday Already?

AT&T is slashing prices on almost every smart phone they are carrying that you can set your eyes on, and it’s only running for a “limited time”. For a two-year contract, you can get an iPhone 5c or 5s $99.99 or $49.99, respectively. Speaking from personal experience, had they offered these deals when I was in the process of getting a new phone, I would have 100% changed carriers to them. I think that this plan will work exceptionally to steal customers from carriers such as Mobilicity as they don’t have any contract fees. If they can manage to lure in some more customers with these incredibly low prices, then the contracts can keep the customers hooked.

This deal is especially lucrative as the iPhone rarely have their prices cut, making this a once in a blue moon type of event. These deals will effectively increase customer segments if they can poach more customers. Deals such as this one could even be considered key activities if they can be kept up, and will help with AT&T’s economies of scale if they can attract more customers. Hopefully, other providers will begin to offer deals in order to compete, and I for one will be extremely pleased.



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