Motivation is important because it provides the drive for people to accomplish their goals, maintain their responsibilities or solve problems. Motivation relates to the drive to do something. Motivation drives us to study new things, and motivation encourages us to try again when we fail.
In solving one teamwork task, I gave my opinions concerning the refugee problem in Europe, which were not possible to be realized considering the practical conditions at that time. The group leader said to me, “Jason, your ideas are great, although some of them are not very realistic at the moment. It’s good that you are willing to think hard to solve the problem, and we look forward to hearing from you more opinions like this in the future.” I felt inspired by what he said despite the fact that he disagreed with me, and my confidence grew a lot after this incident. I was able to air my opinions to solve similar open-ended questions with more active thinking efforts. It is very important to a team that its members are able to accept both disagreements and approvals from others rationally, which is also an essential quality for one to become the core of the team.