Tesla’s History—How did start-up entrepreneurs success among well-established competitors?

This entry is based on Cathy Du’s blog called:”WHY IS TESLA SO POPULAR?

Cathy’s blog inspired me to explore more on the factors leading to Tesla’s success. She explained the key reasons why this company is a market leader, and how it fit into the consumer’s needs and wants.

I would like to explore more on how it survive and then success among extreme and fierce competitions like TOYOTA and Ford……especially when it was a start-up.

“The last successful American car startup was founded 111 years ago. It’s called Ford.” It was amazing for Tesla to establish its market standing so quickly under the competition.

Tesla Motors Revenue

Tesla Motors Revenue

Why? I think it’s because this reason:

Being up-to-date and innovative.  In this high-tech vehicle industry, R&D is one of the most important factors deciding the future of the organization. Tesla did pretty well on this area: they are the pioneers of electric cars, who is keeping advancing the electric-car technology, and bring it to the consumers. It is Tesla’s core unique selling point and PoD, that’s why it differentiate its brand from the well-established competitors.

We learned from COMM101 that it is hard to become No.1 if there is already a market leader in the industry. Tesla is smart about this, it use its points of differences to stand out!

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