Posted by: | 2nd Mar, 2011

your computer’s fingerprint

Following up on my post on Facebook personalizing ads, I present you with fingerprints!

Now, I don’t mean using a fingerprint reader or a scanner to put a your fingerprint on the computer.  I’m talking about the ability for companies be able to identify your computer and be able to build a profile for you.  They can do this because when our internet browsers connect to the internet, they upload a lot of different information (which will make your computer distinct) to whomever.  When companies can build this type of database of profiles, they can personalize their internet ads to match the person.

In Drew Marchand’s post, he talks about one issue this technology can bring — is this invasive or awesome? His opinion on this matter is:

“I’ve read blogs from people that both love this service and hate it. As a marketer, I think it is great. As a consumer, I admit to being a bit nerved at the fact that my likes and searches are fed back to me but in the end, I believe that I will see more relevant ads based on my interests and that my ‘click through’ rate on ads will increase.”

I agree with him.  From a marketing student’s perspective, this will let our promotions reach the target audience more effectively.  From a consumer perspective, the ads that hog up space on the screen will actually relate to me (no more watching the Baby Bullet commercial 10x during my TV shows).

I can’t wait for the day that personalized advertising becomes like this:

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