Fun with Fractals

Fractals are the incredibly cool, repeating mathematical patterns that have found use in variety of areas in computer science. They are even responsible for some of the computer generated images (CGI) that you see in movies. Who knew? I could bore you to death with a long description of what they are, but it will be more fun if you check them out yourself. To get you started, here are a few pictures of what they can look like (all images were retrieved from Wikimedia Commons)

Computer Generated Images of Fractals


Sierpinski Square

Newton Fractal

Pythagoras Tree

Those are just are just a few examples of fractals. Perhaps the most famous one is Mandelbrot’s, as seen below:

Isn’t it beautiful?

The following is an animation of how a fractal is formed, just to get you thinking:

Now, here are some sites to check out … you need to figure out what fractals are and how are they used!

YouTube Clip

Wikipedia on Fractals

Fractals from Mathworld

Fractal Lessons – this site is more advanced … check it out if you are up for a challenge.

REALLY cool Images

Fractal Art

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