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Avis – Reunion

2011 January 24
by Jeannie Tse

Luxury car rental. Avis

Every once in a while I find something on Ads of the World that immediately appeals to me. How do people come up with ads like these? I feel like I would never be creative enough to be part of an advertising company.

[In any case, this Avis ad has given me the inspiration to do the same for future school reunions, provided that I’m not wealthy enough to purchase my own Porsche.]

I am clearly not the target market for this ad, given that most car rentals refuse to rent cars for individuals under the age of 21 and I do not have the income to justify renting a luxury car. However, I instinctively like companies that can create humourous or clever advertisements (marketing term: affective component of one’s attitude!).

A product speaks for itself, I can always go to a rental car website to compare rates and reviews. I don’t need a company to tell me why their product is better, I can always find out with research. For me, ads are a waste of space unless it can make me think wow, that’s a clever execution. This ad gives me the impression that Avis itself is fun and creative. And it makes me chuckle to myself. That is what differentiates Avis from all the other exactly-the-same rental companies in my head.

Now, when my family goes for our annual vacation and we need to rent a car, I will invariably link Avis as a lighthearted company and Budget as a normal rental dealer. We may still end up renting with Budget because of prices, but at least Avis has managed to create some sort of brand affinity with this easily-amused and easily-influenced student.

One Response leave one →
  1. July 15, 2024

    The blog post on Jeannie Tse’s blog discusses an Avis advertisement that she found appealing for its creativity and humor. Despite not being the target market due to age and income, she appreciates ads that are clever and make her think positively about the brand. She explains that while she may still choose another rental company based on price, Avis has successfully created a brand affinity through this ad.

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