Creating a Web Folio Reflection Blog

Creating a Web Folio was fun, but it definitely took a considerate amount of time to complete. Rearranging my 301 blog, changing the design and adding some of my favorite pictures was something I actually enjoyed doing. I remember myself having trouble setting up the blog in May, as I had never used UBC Blogs before, but now I am more than comfortable using its various tools. The blog’s background image and the pictures I added to Home, Biography and Course Overview are all photos I took over the summer. Although the pictures are not necessarily related to the content, I decided to focus on putting together similar images to create a thematic visual as a way of “branding” my Web Folio.

The most challenging part of creating the Web Folio was compiling the “best assignments” I completed over the course. To organize the purpose, achievement and changes made for each assignment I had to go back and forth the assignment, instructor evaluation and peer review. For some assignments I had forgotten to revise them right away, so it took quite a lot of time to get everything organized and done. Nevertheless, carefully re-reading my assignments and noticing the little improvements in my writing felt somewhat rewarding. Overall I feel happy and proud to put together the work I’ve done over the summer.

However, my biggest regret is not putting enough time into the application package. I have written cover letters and resumes before, but I think I lacked writing a job-specific cover letter and resume (i.e. writing in consideration of what that specific employer is looking for) for this specific assignment. Even though it was good practice, I wish I had more actual work or project experience that is related to the software engineering industry. After I gain more experience, I could probably write a more appealing application package while making use of the writing techniques I learned throughout this course.

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