
Hi! My name is Jeemin, and I’m a third-year Computer Science major in the BCS program. I got my first degree back home in Korea, double majoring in International Studies and Business Administration. Although they were both really interesting and helpful, I cannot really say I was passionate about my studies. Interning at companies was a valuable experience too, but it was not exactly the type of work I wanted to do long-term. That is partially why I chose to pursue a second degree in a different field.

Computer Science fascinated me not only because it has multiple and diverse pathways, but it also has the potential to combine or integrate multiple disciplines to create something new. I’m still trying to figure out what specific subject within Computer Science interests me the most, but as of now I’m leaning towards mobile engineering, game development and artificial intelligence.

Aside from my major, I am also very interested in cultural studies, specifically Asian and Asian American/Canadian representation in popular culture. I took a related course at UBC and it made me think a lot about multiculturalism in Canada. Whatever job I end up taking, I want it to be somewhat related to supporting creative projects that aim to raise awareness of minorities.