Unit Three Reflection Blog

Unit three of this course focused on drafting the formal report. This included doing background research, collecting the data and organizing/analyzing the interview results. Although writing the proposal and outline for my formal report was fairly straightforward, I found it extremely difficult to research the information I would need for my report. For example, the Seoul Metropolitan Government provides sources that explain how the system works, but there was little information regarding the language function of the app that is used to rent the bikes. The only similar study I could find was about improving the system for the elderly, which has to do more with the design of the bikes or rental stations rather than the app itself.

Another major roadblock I encountered was coming up with practical or feasible recommendations for the problems that I have identified throughout the report. Laying out the issues was not too difficult, but finding the grounds for plausible solutions was something I did not consider deeply enough when drafting the proposal. The general solutions I could think of on the top of my mind are not specific (for example, adding a language option in the app). As a result, I was not able to write any of the recommendations on the formal report draft yet. This really made me reflect on the importance of preparing for a proposal and drafting a progress report.

Reading Samantha’s formal report draft as part of the peer review assignment also made me reflect on my own research and writing. Samantha’s report on improving the understanding of waste sorting was specific yet easy to understand as a non-technical reader. For data collection, a survey, literature review and an informational interview was conducted to narrow down the most achievable and efficient initiatives. I should keep in mind that the recommendations should be based on data, and that is what I will have to focus on the most while drafting the final version of the formal report.

Formal Report Draft

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