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Archive for October, 2010

das beste oder nichts

I found this new motto interesting because it sparked up something that I heard from watching an old episode of Top Gear the other day. Did you know that the first car to have anti-lock breaking system (ABS) is the Mercedes Benz S-Class? It was also the first car to include airbags. This new ad […]

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honda accord

As much as I love cars, I know I often take for granted how much engineering, art, and mathematics goes into a car. This incredible commercial showing a Rube Golberg machine (I think that’s what it’s called) reminded people of how incredibly intricate a car is as well as created a lot of buzz. Afterall, […]

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A quick post I’ll add more to later. Had tons to think about after I read this article. Charity Doesn’t Solve Anything

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prestige = no ads?

I remember driving past a billboard advertisement for the new C-Class from Mercedes Benz and thinking that Benz has lowered itself in status. Why?  Why did I have such a thought?  Perhaps it’s because to a certain extent, a brand’s prestige, especially for a luxury car manufacturer, is due to not having to advertise at […]

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