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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

stig farm

On the topic of public relations I realized that marketing really has to do with everything. Relation of the publics–the part that applies to us consumers the most is company relations to us. For a TV show like Top Gear, relations with the audience is a part of its promotions and public relations. So, obviously, […]

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business schools

Today, I was bored so I went to the airport.  (I know… I’m kinda random) It was there that I noticed that there was an ad for the Sauder School of Business.  I then remembered seeing an ad for a Hong Kong business school at the Hong Kong airport. Why do business schools put their […]

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I was in accounting class the other day with Catherine Hsu, when she showed me this really cool application on the iPhone and since I wanted to find out more, I looked up her post about it on her blog. Now, instead of marvelling at the awesomeness that is the Google app, I’m wondering about […]

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Sometimes we see some truly ridiculous ads and commercials that make us go “HUH?” But you see– it gets us talking. At what point does it become truly “wtf” and reflect negatively on the product rather than invoke interest? Here’s a video that made me really go “HUH?” but it sure got my facebook newsfeed […]

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das beste oder nichts

I found this new motto interesting because it sparked up something that I heard from watching an old episode of Top Gear the other day. Did you know that the first car to have anti-lock breaking system (ABS) is the Mercedes Benz S-Class? It was also the first car to include airbags. This new ad […]

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honda accord

As much as I love cars, I know I often take for granted how much engineering, art, and mathematics goes into a car. This incredible commercial showing a Rube Golberg machine (I think that’s what it’s called) reminded people of how incredibly intricate a car is as well as created a lot of buzz. Afterall, […]

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A quick post I’ll add more to later. Had tons to think about after I read this article. Charity Doesn’t Solve Anything

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prestige = no ads?

I remember driving past a billboard advertisement for the new C-Class from Mercedes Benz and thinking that Benz has lowered itself in status. Why?  Why did I have such a thought?  Perhaps it’s because to a certain extent, a brand’s prestige, especially for a luxury car manufacturer, is due to not having to advertise at […]

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I was watching old seasons of Top Gear the other night when I came upon the episode where Jeremy Clarkson and James May tried to create a tv commercial for the Volkswagen Scirrocco TDI. As they struggled with trying to find something exciting about a diesel-engined small family car, it occured to me how difficult […]

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What turns a simple idea into a phenomenal force promulgated throughout society? The life force of an idea lies not within the idea itself, but with whispers, discussions, and proclaimations.  An idea exists as long as it is in someone’s mind, but it takes many minds to make it flourish and spread. The end of […]

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