What is happening in Hong Kong?

by Jennifer Lin

In Hong Kong, a peaceful march led by student groups had planned to launch a “civil disobedience” campaign as a part of the Occupy Central movement on Friday October 1st, which is Chinese national holiday. However, this normal protest was knocked down by the surprising force of Hong Kong Police. The militaristic armed forces enraged the local residents to join the students and fought against the police. By facing this escalating situation of occupying the central of Hong Kong, the regional government had warned the protestors and used tear gases to shock them away. This unbearable action caused a standoff between China and Hong Kong and it seems that the “bridge” that they have been building for 20 years is very fragile at the moment. (The bridge here refers to the promise that was given to Hong Kong: One country, two systems; proposed b一Xiaoping Deng)

Hong-Kong-ProtestAs Vivian has mentioned in her blog, Hong Kong’s protestors are claiming for a healthier economic environment as well as a just government; however, what they are protesting now will cause an obstruction for the current operation of the market. Hong Kong, as one of the top three premier financial centers, an investment destination for all kinds of companies, can have no rest to maintain its high-profile global image. Since the students and residents have already occupied the central of Hong Kong, most banks and stores were closed and stocks in the market were dropping dramatically. This very negative side of Hong Kong is presenting the world with not only turbulence in the public but also hesitations among the investors. Because now they are not sure about the future of Hong Kong so the next step of placing their money in the companies is not certain.

