MEC’s New Strategy

by Jennifer Lin

In order to target more consumers in the crowded marketplace, a company needs to get into the minds of their customers and evaluate the position that it desires to achieve in the market force. The significance of value proposition and the ways of playing the role is essential for a company’s success in the future. For example, an outdoor supplies company has recently sectioned its store into a brand new concept. The mountain equipment co-op (aka MEC) lately puts effort in re-setting the platform of the original company. They renamed the brand, designed a new logo as well as a campaign that was inspired and motivated by the consumers.

old_mec_logo.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterboxBy noticing the trend among young generations, MEC started to re-frame the idea of remaining healthy lifestyle; instead of targeting in a general preference of the public, the organizers decided to focus on maintaining a relevant interest of young people from different cultures. For instance, MEC gives consumers a wide range of urban scenes, a varied selection of outdoor categories and provides cyclists with different seasons’ accessories.


MEC Rebrand 20130618The reason that why this company would have succeeded in re-labeling its brand and exploited a new path to the market is because of the correct strategy they are using towards the company. The CEO clearly identifies the company’s competitive advantage and disadvantage, and by blending the strategy of value proposition into the practice of the company, I believe that the outcome would not be disappointed at any point.