Big Idea – Outline

Final Topic Chosen – Integration of traditional and western medicine in Indigenous communities

1) History of traditional medicine in Indigenous communities
a. A look into what was used for medicine and for what ailments, who could administer the medicine, and any other details regarding the history of traditional medicine

2) Current medical practices in Indigenous communities
a. Looking into if traditional medicine is still used in certain Indigenous communities and what other aspects in regards to traditional medicine as used in the history still pertain
b. Looking to see what modern medical treatments are used
i. Hospitals, clinics, etc.
ii. Prenatal care, vaccinations
iii. What sort of public health issues are dealt with in a community forum, i.e., proper handwashing etiquette in schools, diet and exercise regimens, etc.
c. Do Indigenous community members prefer to use traditional medicine over modern medicine

3) Prevalence of health issues in Indigenous communities
a. Epidemiology of health issues
i. Diabetes, obesity, HIV/AIDS, etc.

4) Incorporating western medicine with traditional medicine to help intervene on health issues
a. What sort of steps can be taken to promote healthier lifestyles in Indigenous communities?

5) Importance of working with Indigenous youth
a. Encourage them to be involved in the healthcare system
b. Will hopefully bring modern medicine to Indigenous communities so to promote healthier lifestyles

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