Reflections…what colour are you feeling today?

IMG_2776Reflection is imperative to the IB pedagogy. As a teacher candidate it is important that we reflect on our lessons in order to help us learn and grow as future educators. This was a milestone week as I taught my first lesson to my kindergarten students. The lesson I introduced focused on feelings and the colours often associated with these feelings! I read the book titled My Many Colored Days, had a journal activity to reinforce feelings and also worked with each child to create a handprint out of the colour that expressed their feelings that day (e.g. yellow handprint for happy). I was amazed at how quickly students were able to associate colours to feelings. Reflecting back on this lesson I learned that it is important to have movement breaks dispersed throughout the lesson to keep students’ attention.

Social emotional learning is vital and by having students reflect on their feelings it allows for discussion, and the ability for students to better understand themselves and inquire about the feelings of others. When students are having a conflict I am now able to use colours and feelings to ask them about their emotions. Furthermore, when we talk about caring and empathy the feelings stick can be utilized. I learned that when creating lessons, it is important to think how the lesson can apply not only in the classroom but in other environments. In kindergarten teaching about feelings is a critical lesson as it helps our students to be able to express themselves through words, emotions and actions. It was interesting that after everyone had completed their handprints 6/16 students decided to use blue paint; however they did not have the same feelings as some felt sad, others happy or calm. By allowing the students to choose their own colours they were able to express their thoughts and feelings.

The following day in class, I received some validation of my feelings lesson. While circulating around the room I heard my students explain that today they were yellow because they were happy or red because they were mad. After my lesson, I questioned whether my students would be able to remember the main points and hearing these comments solidified that everything we teach has purpose and meaning. So what colour are you feeling today?


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