
“ Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching “

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I believe that as an individual and educator there is no limit to the amount of learning that is attainable. I love to learn and there is no stopping my innate curiosity and wonder about this profession and world we live in. I consider myself to be a very reflective practitioner, I welcome feedback and I constantly self-reflect on how to modify and improve lessons. IMG_0422I want to give students the best possible learning experience and that means that I too must learn, grow and reflect. I believe that one of my areas of greatest growth over the past year was in my ability to modify and adapt lessons to the developmental needs of students. For example, in the Kindergarten classroom I learned the importance of finding the balance between exciting and more calming lessons. I also saw growth in my level of confidence in the classroom, as teaching now feels more comfortable and natural!

I strive to create lessons that incorporate the different learning styles IMG_0497(kinesthetic, auditory and visual); however this is an area that I would like to continue to grow and learn about in order to ensure that every student is set up for success.
Learning and observing other teachers as well as attending professional development opportunities will be beneficial to obtain this ongoing goal.

IMG_2200Looking towards the future, I am curious as to how to incorporate more self-regulation into the classroom. I am currently reading The Zones of Regulation by Leah Kuypers. I had the opportunity during practicum to bring in The Zones of Regulation but I am interested in learning and discovering more about this very important and relevant issue in today’s classroom.

At the present time, I am taking an Early Education Course and have immersed myself in learning about the early primary years. Documents such as the Primary Years Program, and Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide have provided information specific to the developmental processes that occur in Kindergarten and the importance and benefits of play in the K classroom. With this course I have already had the chance to go back and revise previous units to incorporate these new insights! Completing my degree does not mean my inquiries or learning will end, it just means that I now have another classroom to continue to explore this process.

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Attached is my Kindergarten Combination Approach Unit Plan

A Combination Approach-McArthur


BC Full Day Kindergarten Program Guide. Retrieved from

Kupers, L . (2011). Zones of regulation. Think Social Publishing.

The Primary Program: A Framework for Teaching. Retrieved from