Pay Raise 101

Women just don't ask

Since women entered the workforce, there has always been the underlying issue of a gender pay gap. However there is a small task that needs to be completed before the bigger problem can even begin on the path towards resolved. Women need to ask. In today’s society, “women earn on average about 78 cents to a man’s dollar.”Unfortunately waiting for a promotion or a salary increase won’t make it happen and can in fact hinder your future earnings greatly. Although, it brings up the question of “what make women to play into the stereotype of not advocating for themselves?” Is it because of their genetic makeup or the expectancy surrounding women employees? Since caring is a natural instinct for women, many have no trouble promoting others yet when it comes to supporting themselves, all engines fail. On the other hand, an interesting study gave results that given the same speech for a pay raise, viewers were more accepting of men negotiating than women. In fact women were considered aggressive when negotiating promotions. It has even become the norm for women to search out classes which specialize in the teachings for speaking up for women. At least steps are being taken to break through the stereotypes which lock women on the second step of the corporate ladder.

Eichler, L. (2011, October 05). At the risk of sounding pushy, you should pay me more.. Retrieved from

Ludden, J. (2011, February 14). Ask for a pay raise? most women hesitate. Retrieved from

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