Big 4 Recruitment and Marketing

Though the job market has become increasingly competitive since the 2009 recession, companies still compete for the best and brightest of each graduating business class.  This contest is won by the firm that best markets itself to commerce students, and it is becoming increasingly necessary that even first year students are targeted to ensure a positive corporate image.

Within the “Big Four” accounting firms, two are clearly ahead when it comes to marketing their companies to Sauder students. Both Deloitte and EY have aggressively introduced their names to incoming first year students through slightly different but successful strategies. EY is clearly the more successful of the two – their campaign involves handing out branded items such as sunglasses, bags, and water bottles that are now seen around campus. As a result, EY is the most frequently mentioned firm among the first year students. Deloitte has also had a successful strategy, sponsoring “Deloitte Luau” Thursday during Business Week.

Unfortunately, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and KPMG are far behind when it comes to marketing themselves to freshmen. With very few sponsorships and low presence on campus, these companies are losing valuable chances to connect with the students. Being that most students have already ranked each company prior to the interview process, PwC and KPMG are risking their offers to the strongest students being rejected due to a subconscious preferment for Deloitte and EY.  If PwC and KPMG wish to remain competitive, they need to recruit and retain employees that will help their firms remain innovative. By not marketing themselves to students, they are risking their own corporate reputations.

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