Eco-Marketing: The Future

Interesting marketing campaign – frankly, I’m not quite sure what specific company its for, but I love seeing smart marketing campaigns that involve environmental awareness. In fact, not-for-profit companies are starting to become some of the most effective marketers, with campaigns that appeal to logos (logic), ethos (morals/ethics), and pathos (emotions). Combined together in a series of marketing campaigns, the three aspects of appealing to any human being have the potential to change the direction in which the world is heading.


Recently there is a strong surge of interest towards sustainability and sustainable business practices in response to great public demand – but where does this demand come from? The answer was mentioned above – the demand for more ethical and sustainable products comes from the amazing marketing campaigns of companies whose sole intentions are not to make profit, but instead to “better the world”. These marketing campaigns have resulted not only in an increased awareness, but also in a fundamental shift in the way humans are starting to make buying decisions. At the moment, any company in the world would benefit from taking advantage of this shift and heading towards  a “greener” future.


Examples of eco-marketing campaigns from both for-profit and not-for-profit companies:


BC Hydro: BC Hydro Power Smart

WWF: Light Bulb

Greenpeace: Dove Onslaught(er)

This campaign resulted in Dove declaring that it would be using only sustainably harvested palm oil by 2015.

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