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Archive for April, 2011

Product Placement

One of my favourite shows, The Big Bang Theory. If you are a fan, you would know that Sheldon’s computer was stolen along with his Xbox 360 and all his precious games. Sheldon used to own a Dell XPS but now it has been replaced by a MacBook Pro. The change from a PC to […]

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We are surrounded

This is a follow up with my last post about logos. Have you noticed that we are surrounded by them!? It is everywhere; on our cloths, computer, pen, water bottle,  IPod, bus pass and many more. Do you remember the last time someone asked you for direction in downtown? How did you guide them to […]

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A picture is worth a thousand words, that is why a logo is so important for a company. I remember the activity in class where we were shown a fraction of a logo and asked to identify it. Some of the logos were quickly recognized while others take a bit longer. We are influenced differently […]

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