Light up the Future with the NanoLight – Self Proclaimed “Most Energy Efficient Lightbulb”

This post stemmed from our class discussion on Monday where we talked about how people had the technology to have an indefinitely lasting lightbulb. Contrary to this belief as stated in BBC’s article here, lightbulb filaments are what determines a lightbulbs life and those can only be made so thick. As of right now, the longest lasting commercial lightbulbs are LEDs which last approximately 23 years assuming it is on 3 hours a day.

I researched a bit more and came up with this:

NanoLight is currently on Kickstarter and is in the process of manufacturing the bulbs. So far they have amassed $273,278.00/$20,000 funding needed. NanoLight is marketed focusing on it’s benefits of using less energy than conventional bulbs and providing a brighter and more stable light.

This proves how successful some KickStarter projects can be given a product that appeals to KickStarter’s population and it helps that the incentives are not too shabby. Thanks to sites like KickStarter crowd sourcing has become increasingly popular and is a easy and affordable for startups and entrepreneurs to get noticed as well as the funding they desperately need.

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