RE: People of China are Getting Restless

In this post  regarding China’s ongoing problem with pollution, 486 Blogger outlines the social unrest that has resulted from increasing pollution and states that the government is only thinking about the monetary costs of cleaner energy, not the social benefits.

I wholeheartedly agree with this view, and the believe that the fact that the government thinks that upgrading power plants to conform to minimum standards is too expensive and not worth their money, is saddening. The problem is only going to worsen if not properly addressed and as it is, it has become bad enough that the Chinese government has had to openly acknowledge the problem and that citizens are advised to wear masks when venturing outside.

However, there has been some headway in the automotive industry. Automakers are more inclined to adopt environmental strategies because it makes their cars more marketable internationally. The major problem is China’s use of coal and other unclean power. I believe that given China’s penchant for profit above health, the government has to institute some kind of incentive for businesses to conform or create an entirely new industry for environmental clean up and prevention.

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