Cereplast – The Future of Plant Plastics

Cereplast is one of the most prominent of the plant plastic companies. What makes them different from typical bio-plastics are that they incorporate a variety of plant products such as: algae, corn, potatoes, sugar, and tapioca. Cereplasts products are also advertised to be similar in strength and reusability to that of traditional petroleum based plastics.

Another thing that differentiates Cereplast from competitors in the industry is that they don’t specialize in producing any specific product using bio-plastics, but manufacture pellets (in particular they promote their algae line the most) for other manufactures to use in producing their own plastic products from furniture to medical equipment.

The algae Cereoplast uses is post industrial as opposed to preindustrial and is perceived to become more abundant in the future. Harvesting and growing algae also has environmental properties in that it absorbs a great deal of CO2 and produces animal nutrients. Algae’s success is already proven in the cosmetic industry where it’s used as thickeners and in wrinkle fillers. The only major down side of using plastics high in algae content is the smell, this can be lessen through further processing or removing nutrients or oils

Cereplast  <– Video!



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