First Post!

Hi! I’m Jen, a second year transfer student to UBC’s Sauder School of Business and this blog is for my marketing course.

I’ve always been interested in marketing since high school where I took it for 2 years. Marketing was seen as an easy A and they had a field trip every year, this is what got me interested initially. However, eventually I found the subject really interesting and it became one of the driving factors I applied to Sauder in the first place.  With marketing I gained a lot of valuable experience including working in the school store, traveling to New York City, and even winning a scholarship for my marketing project 🙂

Right now in Sauder, I am a member of the UBC marketing association and I hope that along with this class, it makes me want to pursue a career in marketing even more.

My favourite aspects of marketing are innovation and design.  I love seeing the interesting products that come about and how they fix issues I’ve never even thought of.  The modern look that is so prevalent in today’s style is really eye catching in products, although I enjoy modern architecture more so, some examples of which can be seen here at  .  

cheers 🙂

One comment on “First Post!
  1. You sound like you’re very passionate about marketing, looking forward to further posts!

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