Foodsharing and Freegans?

Foodsharing, described by 24hrs as a new fad popular in Europe is using the internet to share food recovered from supermarket bins while it is still in edible condition.

Freegans are vegans who do not believe in paying for food.

These two groups were created as a result of the tragedy of enormous food wastage in developed countries.  One of the leading countries on this both economic and environmental fad is Germany.  There, dumpster diving isn’t just for the hungry and impoverished but for socially aware youth who anger at the plight of a world in which approximately 1/3 of all food produced goes to waste.

To encourage and proliferate this eco-trend users can use a smartphone app to find foraged food at set locations as well as a website community.  It’s very smart of the founders to position foodsharing as a trendy fad that is also for the environment rather than just for impoverished people as most citizens feel.  This makes people feel more secure in participating and the community aspect has a significant impact of the efficacy of participants and confidence that they are making a real difference in waste reduction.  The apps and website also serve as a very convenient communication hub for users and helps make the operation more efficient by explaining when and where there is food available for pick up.

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