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Learning about marketing sustainability as well as marketing sustainably has impacted me in the way I look at products and access companies.

Before this class, I assumed that whenever a company has the word “eco” or “green” in its name or slogan that it was a advocate for sustainability and the environment. I also learned how companies can capitalize on green aspects and how different their strategy was in comparison to a typical firm.

As a result I have learned to not trust companies blindly and that greenwashing is a ploy to drawn in consumers with easy promises that don’t show any conviction. It was also interesting to find that companies who had green initiatives didn’t want them to be public because they would be judged harsher by consumers. This has led me to realize that research is important to figure out which companies are actually working hard to conserving the environment and those who are putting up a front.

Regarding strategy and marketing green aspects of a product/service it can be challenging and very different from regular business offerings. Consumers can be much more involved and are often more educated. They care more about the product than just how it functions, but how its entire life cycle will affect the environment. learning about different segments has prodded me into thinking about where I as a consumer lie. Am I a as green as I could be? What kinds of qualities should I be looking at when I consume?

In conclusion, I can say that this course has changed my view of marketing and consuming in a sustainable manner and I hope that I will be able to take what I’ve learned and pass it on be it in a business setting or personally.

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