Sorry for the lack of posts! Posting to resume shortly

Finals have been hell for 3 weeks šŸ™ Back to looking for thatĀ elusiveĀ co-op job:)

Last Blog Post!

Learning about marketing sustainability as well as marketing sustainably has impacted me in the way I look at products and access companies. Before this class, I assumed that whenever a company has the word “eco” or “green” in its name

RE: People of China are Getting Restless

In this postĀ  regarding China’s ongoing problem with pollution, 486 Blogger outlines the social unrest that has resulted from increasing pollution and states that the government is only thinking about the monetary costs of cleaner energy, not the social benefits.

Kickstarter Phase 2… The 10 Year Hoodie

I’m in a bit of a kickstarter phase if you haven’t noticed… But in my opinion that’s where all the cool stuff is popping up these days šŸ˜€ First, here’s a video: This hoodie looks amazing in my opinion. Some

Light up the Future with the NanoLight – Self Proclaimed “Most Energy Efficient Lightbulb”

This post stemmed from our class discussion on Monday where we talked about how people had the technology to have an indefinitely lasting lightbulb. Contrary to this belief as stated in BBC’s article here, lightbulbĀ filamentsĀ are what determines a lightbulbs life

What’s the Point of Going Green if People Aren’t Listening?

According to data a Green Gauge survey by GfK, as marketers and business are willing to spend more on “greening” products and ads consumers are found to be less willing to spend more on sustainable products. Ā This is in direct

Can Food Trucks Conform to Vancouver’s Green Goal?

I personally love food trucks but I agree with Steph Lai in her postĀ about the controversy of food truck waste and Vancouver’s aim to be the world’s greenest city. I would however argue that in many ways restaurants create similar

Foodsharing and Freegans?

Foodsharing, described by 24hrs as a new fad popular in Europe is using the internet to share food recovered from supermarket bins while it is still in edible condition. Freegans are vegans who do not believe in paying for food.

Ne Quittez Pas – Recycled food?

Ne Quittez Pas – loosely translated into “Please Don’t Leave”, is a new trendy restaurant in Tokyo, Japan that appeals to the green generation in a truly unique fashion, by using “dirt” in all of its dishes. To be clear,

Cereplast – The Future of Plant Plastics

Cereplast is one of the most prominent of the plant plastic companies. What makes them different from typical bio-plastics are that they incorporate a variety of plant products such as: algae, corn, potatoes, sugar, and tapioca. Cereplasts products are also


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