Canadian and European businesses are accepting refugees into their companies. These refugees from Syria have received education up to university level. They can enter Canadian workforce as engineers or manufacture related positions.web-rob-oliberte-0913

The article suggested tips that Canadian companies can take to be socially responsible to the Syrian refugees; taking initiative in helping refugees with their language skills.

This is a great step for Canadian companies because they are hiring refugees according to their abilities not their race or origin. Canada are known for its multiculturalism compare to other counties. However, there are always issues with racism happening in the country. People are treated unequally due to their ethnicity. Even though racism almost disappear in larger cities, in smaller town or rural area, there are still racism happening. These Canadian companies are able to eliminate all the racism and do what is ethically correct, hire employees based on their abilities, is a very important step for Canada.  c011c393-db8a-4712-94ea-4483e8724ef6

Syrian refugees education level allows them to receive opportunity to work Canada. Therefore, these companies are being socially responsible for the refugees because they have potential ability to give back to the company that ethically receive them to Canada.
