I found a connectionblackberry-logo between yesterday’s class on Business Model Canvas & Strategy and, classmate Jolena Sun’s blog post about BlackBerry. In her post, she stated that after iPhone and other competitions coming out, Blackberry has been fallen one step behind.

I agree with her stand on BlackBerry quickly falling out of the phone market, and is being replace by iPhone and other competitions such as Samsung.

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Porter’s Generic Strategies

In class we discuses about Porter’s Generic Strategies.

Using Porter’s Strategies, BlackBerry would fall into the category of “Focus Strategy (differentiation)”. BlackBerry had produced a successful and unique product that has strong security system, and other features that other competitions did not have. BlackBerry’s customer segment is business professions.


However, BlackBerry did not improve their product features as time proceeds. When iPhone and other competitions came out, BlackBerry is cannot improve its product to compete with them. Apple presented new models of iPhone annually, and Samsung presented new models around the same period as Apple. BlackBerry is unable to come back into the market with the strategy it is using now.

The case of BlackBerry leads me into thinking about the McGrath’s Transient Strategy. the time from launching a new product until the time the product dies out in the market is fast. BlackBerry has to come out with new products fast enough and are unique in order to compete against Apple, Samsung and other competitors.
