Yesterday’s class introduced three new techniques of marketing research and consumers behaviour. The funnel model, the consuMind-Maps-For-Businessmer decision journey, and the mind mapping technique. Since I have created mind maps before, I am comfortable with using this tool. Mind mapping is use for brain storming ideas and organizing thoughts.

The chocolate chip cookie activity was my highlight of the class. The activity is interesting and self explanatory. We are producing our own survey questions and realizing what kind of questions are effective and what types of questions are not effective. The activity also ties in with consumers behaviour. Even with the small amount of people we are surveying on, they each prefer different kinds of cookies.

Through asking the other group questions, we were able to conclude that one of our question is not as specific so we were not able to receive the answer we were hoping for. This concluded the theory that explain unconstructed questions will led to the false information. Which will transform into money and time spent on the research are not worth it. Companies research in markeSutton__Amanda_Sutton_Photography_IMG2556_lowts because they want to know the industry they are about to enter, to make better decisions. However, I learned that if questions are not carry out properly, the research will be useless.