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I discovered a very interesting blog about entrepreneurship that discuss 10 reasons you should move to Asia to start your business.  Since I’m originated from Asia, there are a lot of connection that I can make with Sean’s experience in Vietnam.

shipyards-market-nsgm-984x500In Asia, everything is cheap compare to Canada and USA. For instance, food, drinks, even transportation is cheaper in Asian counties. This is crucial for starting a business, low cost equals more savings, reducing cost is definitely an advantage to new entrepreneurs.

Sean has another point about inexpensive talent. Workers in Asian counties are very talented; he/she has the receives higher degree of education has knowledge to help a company grow. As an entrepreneur, starting a business in Asian counties can save on employment expenses. In addition, working with different ethnicity of people around the world, is a great way to learn new things due to the diversity in thinking.


After reading Sean’s blog, I realized that I already have the opportunities to work with people around the world. UBC is a internationally recognise university, and Sauder is a place where a lot of countries’ citizens are gather together. It is a great experiences to hear each other’s stories and learn form one another.