Alibaba’s seek opportunity for the “Single Day” in China. This is a free marketing strategy because previously, there is no such celebration on Nov. 11. As soon as Alibaba seek the chance to crate a new trend for singles, they marketed Nov. 11 as a special day for singles to treat themselves by shopping on Alibaba’s site with discount.


On Nov. 11 2015, Alibaba has earn approximately 921 billion RMB (approximately 143 billion USD)

I agree with Claire that Alibaba is seeking opportunity on “Single Day” which brought the company a huge amount of profit. However, I do not agree that Alibaba is approaching a differentiation strategy since Nov. 11 is only a one-day event. This is similar to Canada adapting USA’s Black Friday to generate sales.

Differentiation strategy Alibaba could consider is to providing free shipping to other countries outside China. This method will differentiate Alibaba with the rest of the internet shopping industry in China and create a new market for Alibaba. Business fantasize a normal day into a significant event as a strategy for consumer to purchase.


“Single Day” is a marketing strategy Alibaba use to generate revenue. Alibaba is gaining recognition though their discount sales on various holidays. Not only within China, Alibaba is now recognized internationally as an internet shopping site.