Monthly Archives: July 2015

Reflection on Assignment 2

This assignment aimed at creating an introductory module in a learning management system (LMS) was challenging for my group but was also representative of the real challenges that would face any group of individuals working together often asynchronously because of different schedules and time zones. However, as I look back at the numerous emails, revisions, discussions, and modifications made over the course of the last few weeks, I see it as representative of our group’s determination and perseverance, as well as graciousness and flexibility as we brought together the various parts of the LMS module. As with Assignment #1, we made good use of Google tools, particularly email, Docs, and Hangouts to brainstorm, discuss, and write. I enjoyed the strengths of each group member coming together to create our Module.

Although I was familiar with other LMS platforms, I wanted to learn more about Eliademy. I was curious about how appropriate it would be for both students in and educators teaching a Grade 8 course; in our case, a Grade 8 poetry course. I knew at the beginning that Eliademy was quite new compared to other LMSs, but I was drawn to its philosophy of “democratizing education for all”. I felt that after creating an actual course in Eliademy that it is indeed very accessible to educators of any technical background as it is straightforward and easy to use. However, there are some kinks – for example, the discussion forum categories cannot be reordered once entered, and some other functions are not as user-friendly and sophisticated as in edx Edge (which another one of our group members also explored). However, for our grade level, Eliademy was a good ft for our purposes – clean and straightforward.